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  • Emily Dickinson - Undecided

    After a week or two, it seemed to kick in. I felt marvelous. I thought it was a miracle pill. I felt as good as I've ever felt in my life. I was extremely grateful. But now, after several months, effects seem to have entirely worn off. I've had digestive problems since childhood; I'm now a "senior citizen." I am not at all suggestible; in fact, I'm too much of a skeptic. I was not influenced by my hope; I took it and more or less forgot the second after. Align was recommended by my doctor. I wonder if anyone else has had this result--helped a lot at first, then "wore off."

  • equinox - And they really weren't outlawed!

    We have a glass stove cooktop and aren't able to use certain cast iron pans, let alone our twirly popcorn maker. This is a perfect help meet for us! It solves a lot of issues. It's also portable so it can go in the car on trips and vacations...can even plug it into our van's car lighter (with a local attachment of course) and use it!

  • Matt Kucmierz - (Have had highway trip average up to 46 MPG) Excellent daily driver that is very comfortable and practical

    Put 15K miles in the last 5 months averaging 37 MPG with the manual trans. (Have had highway trip average up to 46 MPG) Excellent daily driver that is very comfortable and practical.

  • Julia S - May try dif product

    I did not buy these from amazon but I bought them at Walmart for $15. Im not surprised I could get them on amazon for cheaper. This product at walmart I think was the only gel capsule which attracted me but also because their cheaper products were out of stock. I finished the whole month supply and Im thinking of trying a different product only because these made me nauseated almost every single time I took them (regardless how much I ate or dank water). Im not sure if my stomach was sensitive to a certain ingredient in here but that's something I will have to find out.

  • Marge E. Fauver - No Go for Me

    This was recommended by my doctor but I don't like it as well as the other brand Triple Cream. This is very stiff and thick, hard to put on, hard to remove.

  • No One - Great headset in terms of comfort...

    Great headset in terms of comfort but no way to click on screen to navigate. Need to open it up to select things. Also, hard to calibrate with cardboard since no qr code was provided, I tried a couple different ones but the calibration wasn't quite right. But in terms of comfort and focal settings, this was excellent.