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  • Leona Pope - Wow! Such a different storyline

    This story starts off by reeling the reader in from the very 1st page. Very strong content, I feel as though I can't wait to read more. There is humor intertwined along with the seriousness, I already love the relationship between Pidge and Dennis. It's not your typical everyday story that's already been told, quite ingenious!

  • Kindle Customer - Finally!!

    I don't know where to begin! Gabriel and Valeryie were the bomb! Love how she stood up for herself against Dmitry and Anatoly! Everyone deserve what they got especially Briggy! Finally happy to see them together. Latrivia you did it again!!

  • OhTom - All good till the end.

    I was really enjoying this until the last big battle- then things got a bit weird with magic and a priest warrior. He had this really great story going of retraining a small army, turning them into fighting men, the intrigue of camp politics, the building of morale. Then they are off on a mission, to an area they know little about, with minimal chance of success. Moving a large group of soldiers through a hostile forest, with ranging scouts and their own fighting abilities to keep them alive. Then , as I said above, he takes the story a hard 90 deg. turn and has this devil possessed demon to overcome with a "Special forces priest" and our hero has a magic sword- I almost threw my reader across the room. I am thinking to myself..."Hey, this guy can write, he's crafting a good story, I can forego the tv and curl up with my imagination and get lost in this book, only to finish it with the exclamation...What?!!!." Like substituting a "gilded lily" for the substance he had going.

  • my honest opinon - Must have for Xterra

    just installed a week ago not only it looks so much better than the stock this antenna has even better reception than original highly recommend.