www.fountainofwellness.com Review:

Fountain of Wellness | A Passionate Wake Up Call - The Owner's Manual for the 21 Century to activate all aspects of our health and transformation.

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City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States

  • MrTimmy - Fear and trepidation, but no disaster

    I've watched Quicken reviews for 2 years now and they've terrified me. I feel like there are many factors surrounding the large number of negative, mediocre, and positive comments.

  • Dave J Frahm - I love this book. I should, I wrote it!

    My wife has indeed gone to be with Jesus. Iron poisoning had shut down her liver after 10 years cancer-free. She'd gotten 150 blood transfusions during the failed bone marrow transplant written about in this book. You get everyone's iron. We knew it was going to be a problem. I gave more of the details of what took her in A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook. I noted a review that gave Battle Plan just one star. Its author somehow had it in her mind that we traveled and lectured around the country. Not so. The non-profit Christian ministry we began runs a Lodge overlooking Colorado Springs where people come from around the world for 11-day sessions to learn the principles of detoxing their bodies. I'm the teacher...a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Nutrtional Consultant. For more info read A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook, or give HealthQuarters Ministries a call at (719) 593-8694. About our work Dr. Lee Cowden, M.D., co-author of An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer, writes: "HealthQuarters Ministries is doing a tremendously important and needed work. They are restoring hope and health for people with chronic illnesses--especially cancer--who have had their hope stolen. They help to put people back in control of their own health, giving them the tools they need, and encouraging them to keep God at the helm." Dr. James Balch, co-author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing writes: "Christians know that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that they are accountable to not destroy them...I highly recommend the program offered at HealthQuarters Lodge."

  • Matt Svoboda - Perfect solution

    I consider myself lucky I found this. I was frustrated that my U28D590D didn't have holes for the VESA mount for my new standing desk, and I didn't want to spend hundreds more on the newer version of my monitor; I was pretty close to just drilling holes in it myself, when I did a search on Amazon for "U28D590D mount" and this solution popped right up. It works perfectly. In fact, since the bracket is made of metal, it's much less wobbly than the plastic mount which Samsung provides with the monitor itself! Installation was quick and easy, and I'm using it right now.

  • Uly Pittman - Worked for mom and sis

    Although this is not a weight loss program, my mom who had about 25 lbs to lose lost 20 and my sister who had about 40 pounds to lose lost about 30. They are still eating pretty much what they want and have been the whole time they were on the program. My mom has never spent one moment in a gym and my sister goes rarely. They have kept the weight off for about 9 months now. My sister, without doing anything at all, lost another 5 lbs after she was finished the program. Stupid me who bought the product on a carnival cruise at the same exact time never bothered to take it. I'm going to start in the spring. Good luck!

  • naomi kliegl - experienced now brand kava user

    I have tried several brands of kava with only one positive response...for myself. I seem to benefit from the combination of ginseng and kava to calm in a manner that energizes as well. I find it particularly helpful in social situations as it seems to provide an increase n my desire to interact with others. I find it difficult to find and have to rely on the few sources that keep a supply in stock. I love the product but felt it took an unusual amount of time to receive my purchase from Amazon. I am new to the site and perhaps this is normal but I like to be able to predict the date of product reception with some assurance. Otherwise, Amazon is the my experience with the online ordering and I was actually surprised how easy the process was.