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  • Cuppycakes808 - Apricot face scrub

    Of course I have seen this in the drug stores for years and I tried it as a teenager, and it exfoliated good then. So of course when I saw it on Amazon for such a good deal I knew I had to use it again. It gets my face, back and bottom so squeaky clean and helps to minimize the acne. I do recommend.

  • John Perez - Serves it's purpose but be sure you know what coverage you are not getting with the free download.

    Free is good but don't expect it to stay free. As with all things they try to get you to upgrade but at a good price. You can register to keep the product free but you are still going to get that upgrade window popping up.

  • Suzie-Ana Boyne - Review

    Very up-to-date, concise and precise. It is very handy and can be taken to work daily for safe drug administration.