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  • Kevin G Buzzelli - Caution: does not work with Graco Snugride "click connect"

    This does not work with the Snugride "click connect" system. I have no use for this and have to return it.

  • Michael Wilson - Fast Devlivery!

    I bought this one as a make up gift to my daughter. I was unable to get her this doll in 2012 because of some personal things going on. However the Mint Condition this arrived in is perfect to help complete the set that I've been collecting for her since she was born. Thank you to an amazing seller.

  • Fabian Caro - The very best

    Never thought I would live to listen to a collaboration between Gaga and Florence Welch, the song is pure perfection.

  • m. we - It is comfortable and the voice quality is good on both ends

    It is comfortable and the voice quality is good on both ends. But I really hate this bluetooth headset.

  • fLESHoFgODS - 1 star rated, but 5 star sci-fi cheese fest

    I picked this movie cause I was looking for a sci-fi film that was pure cheese and boy did i find it. This is a low budget one star movie but thats also what makes it so great. The acting is atrocious, it seems like the parts were giving out in a first come first serve, show up on the set and you'll get some kind of role depending on when you got there. The dialogue seems to be written by a class of 3rd graders. Makeup and costume may have been done by a blind person. Everything always seemed to be one take, as you can catch the actors/actresses making unscripted gestures or subtle laughs. This movie sucked and I loved it, I wont rate it 5 for the sake of ratings ill give it a one star but I did not hate it. Stay away if your looking for a serious horror flick, but if your like me and all horror movies are kind of funny to you anyway, give it a chance, and if your a stoner, double the dose before watching this one!!! :)