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  • I. Meire - Do not recommend for anyone

    This book, in my humble opinion has nothing to do with Medjugorje apparitions. It's similar to a political conspiracy. It's about radicalism, misinterpretation of the messages (IF they truly come from Our Lady! we don't know that yet)and has hate speech against the President, which is in itself a warning. Stay with the Church my friends. We only go further through obedience. Obedience to the Church is a trade mark of real Catholicism.

  • Gloria - ZAP Restorer was a miracle worker for me!

    We have extremely hard water and have a well. We have a rust remover with our water equipment but we forgot to purchase the Red Out salt. What a mess! My plastic white laundry tub turned to a deep brown. I tried everything to clean it up but nothing worked---I figured I would have to buy a new tub. Then I watched the TV advertisement for ZAP and decided to try it before I made my purchase for that new tub. So glad I did. This stuff was remarkable! Hardly any exertion; practically cleaned off ALL of the rust by itself! The tub looks like new. Wish I could purchase this product at my local store. It is wonderful.

  • Atlas Shrugged - The book version of those motivational business posters from the 90s

    My major problem with his book is that his advice is very academic, not in the sense that it doesn’t apply in the real world, but rather in the sense that it’s not actually useful. Otherwise I agree with everything Jim Collins says. He is correct about the importance of hiring great people, having a guiding purpose saturate everything you do, understanding your core competency, having a constant gardener mindset as opposed to looking for a specific event to transform your organization, etc. If I give him the benefit of the doubt, I would say his theories have become so mainstream that while they may have seemed insightful in 2001 they have little impact today.

  • 2 Brown Noses - Great for Older Engines

    I purchased this for an old diesel tractor that had some issues with blow by. This happens when the engine is worn and not completely sealed up, which for me resulted in oil spewing out through the dipstick. This oil stabilizer made a big difference with the blow by. My tractor went from constantly sputtering oil after the engine had warmed up to finally holding oil pressure. I have seen no oil loss through the dipstick since using this. This is a great option to keep older engines running smoothly. Feel free to comment or ask questions and I will do my est to get back to you.

  • Iris - The glasses arrived super quick and arrived in perfect condition

    The glasses arrived super quick and arrived in perfect condition. I got my prescription lens done and i receive tons of compliments on them. Really happy with my purchase and the fact that i didn't have to pay $200+ for them elsewhere.