jiudingyang.e.tradeee.com Review:

Jiudingyang Technology Co., Ltd. () - China supplier of . Jiudingyang Technology Co., Ltd. is one quality china supplier for you to purchase

Country:, Asia, JP

City: 139.69 , Japan

  • Teya - Completely crashed after one use!

    I am not one to give bad reviews but this is ridiculous. I took advice from a friend to get Quicken because it was just as good as Quick books... Installed and set up account then closed it to use later... when I tried to open it again it said "Quicken Window has stopped working. A problem cause the program to stop working correctly." I went on the website and tried to get help and waited to be talked to for 45 min then it told me that there were no available tellers. please try again later. Not Impressed! Spend the extra money and get Quick books!

  • R. Kile - Does not work

    I have taken guarana in the past of different brands (GNC) and the same dosages and actually felt the extra energy. Not with this. I started off with 1 capsule in the morning. Nothing. Then went to 2 capsules in the morning. Nothing. Three...nothing. Four...nothing. I call it quits at 800mg. This product just does not work for me.

  • J. Ellis - You are gambling on receiving a good unit if you purchase this.

    I received my first AC 5300 on April 6, 2016. It lasted 23 days before it stopped working. By "stopped working" I mean that when I came home from work one day, my Internet was down but the network was up. I work in IT so I dug into this as much as I could. My WiFI scanner showed me that the unit was still broadcasting, no issues there. Additionally I disconnected from the wireless network and had to use my credentials to get back in, so authentication was still working.. just no internet. It was the same across all 3 bands. The default admin page () displayed the message ""Settings have been updated. Web page will now refresh. Changes have been made to the IP address or Port number. You will now be disconnected from the RT-AC5300. To access the settings reconnect to the wireless network and use the updated IP address and Port number." This was very curious because I did NOT make any changes! I thought perhaps it was a browser issue, so I tried Chrome, Firefox, and IE. You can't clear your cache very easily with Chrome, so I cleared my cache in Firefox and IE. No change. I tried to hit the IP address instead, default should have been I received the same message. ipconfig showed me that DHCP was blank.. very odd. I hooked a laptop to my modem directly and immediately had internet access. Not a problem with my ISP or modem. I hooked a laptop to the router directly and pinged my entire IP range. Nothing was returned that I didn't already know about from the existing table. Router effectively dropped out of my network. As a last resort, I factory reset it with a paperclip. This time when I connected I saw the original configuration page for about 10 seconds before receiving the "settings have been updated" page again, the window refreshed itself into that. After a factory reset.. OK. I factory reset it again, this time using a needle just in case the paperclip was too thick. This time the settings page came up directly instead of the config page. Yuck.

  • Kindle Customer - Misleading

    Not a single story by Elizabeth strout. I feel robbed. Zero stars. False advertising. Was looking forward to a good story.

  • l.counselor - Cellucor Super HD Thermogenic Fat Burner

    This product suppresses your appetite. But, when you get to food you want to devour everything in front of you. I dont recommend this product because it's amazing how it made me eat and then feel sick. never lost a pound. I used it for two weeks. one pill in the morning and one at noon time. Also, I just wanted to sleep and felt tired most of the time.

  • Floyd Peterson - Works Great

    They work Great. When you have the snow that we had this year the bottom of your pant legs may get a little wet. The pants can be washed, but the carpet is much harder to wash. At the end of the winter the carpet in my Explorer is still perfectly clean.