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  • GreatFoods - Wasted Time and Money but found better

    Well I feel I was suckered, It wasn't the type of stainless steel i wanted, and the glue fused itself to the pan chemically. Not suppose to use real glue when attaching the front label on. I have searched the entire internet for a stainless steel 18/10 or better cooking pan. Well the only thing I could find is industrial stainless steal pans from Paderno World Cuisine, they are REAL stainless steel 18/10 and made for hotels and restaurants (went with the 20 7/8 by 12 3/4 pan), and they sell them here on Amazon. I just wish I would have seen them before buying 4 pants that were junk first.

  • Purplmyst - I'm riding a lion!

    I ordered the "standard" size, and I'll say that at 5'8" that's the tallest you can be for this to fit properly. Seems to be put together very well, and the drink holder is definitely a bonus! Only negative point on this is that the poor lion doesn't have a tail.