
More4kids Childrens Health & Wellness - Childrens health issues including asthma, childhood learning disabilities, autism, adhd, food and nutrition.

  • Preventing Sickness in Daycare and Preschool - Starting preschool or daycare can special time for kids. It is also a time when kids are in close proximity and germs are spread. Here are some ideas to help.
  • Digital Drugs - Is I-Dosing For Real? - Digital Drugs, I-Dosing. Can kids really get a 'high' off the Internet? You may be very surprised about this new trend after you read the article. Here is a closer look at this threat to your children, which can be just as dangerous as taking real drugs.
  • Eating Disorders in Teenagers - Teen Eating Disorders: A dangerous dieter is not quite a victim of an eating disorder, but they certainly aren’t pursuing a healthy lifestyle when it comes to diet and exercise. Learn the warning signs and head them off before it is too late.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -84.636 Michigan, United States

  • Kamille Riese - Great for bedroom use!

    We got this to keep in the baby's room to store formula bottles. It works great! Very quiet, and keeps bottles cold. Have not used the heating element.

  • Eric - Awesome helmet

    It's the best helmet I have ever owned...fits awesome, looks cool, and it hardly feels like you have it on because its so light. But they didn't compromise safety because I took a good fall with it and it took a good dinger.

  • Rebecca Bryant - I actually PR'ed my squat in these this week and hit a double a 200 lbs!

    Those who follow my reviews know that my daughter is a powerlifter, so I bought these for her as a gift. Here is her review of the product. (I ordered her a size medium.)