Boulder Women's Clinic - Boulder Women's Clinic is an advanced-care gynecological practice, located in Boulder Colorado.
Country:, North America, US
City: -105.1435 Colorado, United States
I have to give this one full stars, not because the tech is perfect, but simply because the pros outweigh the cons in a significant way. I would go over my main gripes, and main reasons to pick it up. Hope it helps.
This is the best beard oil I have ever gotten my husband. His beard feels so much softer and is more manageable. Before this oil, I hated kissing him, as his beard always scratched me so bad, I got acne. Now, we have no issues anymore. His hair feels silky soft and because it has no scent, he doesn't get a headache from the oil as well. Also, he said the previous one I got him had a scent that made him lightheaded and when he ate anything, he could taste it. With this oil, he has no issues. I will definitely get him more of this stuff.
This reel is by far one of the best reels I have used. Is cast so effortlessly. The dual brake makes it very tunable. Would deffinetly recommend this reel and for the price is hard to pass up.
The stringing of this guitar is horrible. Out of the box we connected it to our xBox 360 and started following the easy tuning directions. However, two of the strings could not be tuned. One string snapped during the initial tuning process as it was telling us it needed to be tightened. When we contacted the seller he told us we need to go to a music store to get it stringed and offered us $4 as compensation. Will keep you posted on what the music store says about restringing and the cost.