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  • Felicia James Owens - I couldn't commit to taking another pill so i gave ...

    I couldn't commit to taking another pill so i gave them away. The young lady said she uses the product and it works.

  • TammieB - While I did find this book very helpful overall, ...

    While I did find this book very helpful overall, I was stunned by the number of errors in it. A guidebook that is designed to help you pass an important entrance exam should be error-free - let alone should not have multiple and sometimes grievous errors! In addition to many, many grammatical errors, the section of the reproductive system included a paragraph describing how a zygote implants itself into the endometrium of the vulva!!! I've never known a zygote to grow there...

  • S. Stack - Severe reaction

    Helped with pain but I currently have a horrible burning, itching rash where the patches were applied to my knee. The site is purple red in thee exact shspe of the patch and nothing is helping. I will be heading to the doctor tomorrow. I was unaware of any skin allergies before using this product. I have used Tiger Balm and Icy Hot with no issues. My husband found Salonpas at Costco and bought it for me. I prefer my knee pain to the pain of this rash!