www.sizofren.gen.tr Review:

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    Country:, Asia, TR

    City: 28.9948 , Turkey

  • Chelsea Lynn - The powder is also very fine so it's not harsh on your teeth

    I was a little nervous and skeptical about trying this, especially because I have very sensitive teeth and gums, but i had no problem at all. First of all, there is no taste. The powder is also very fine so it's not harsh on your teeth. I definitely recommend brushing with toothpaste or at least rinsing well after using because your mouth will be black. The powder is very loose and will get all over the place if you're not careful, but it cleans up easily. I have already noticed a difference after a a week of use (2 times a day). I did receive this at a discounted price in exchange for my honest opinion.

  • acrabtreegirl - Hard work, lots of attention to detail, but worth it!

    We just finished the main part of our 1979 laminate kitchen countertops in Desert Sand and are thoroughly pleased with the results. Before buying this product, we read all the reviews, and I even printed Heather's excellent review and kept it handy during the project. She is exactly correct in that you MUST follow the directions to the letter and be extremely meticulous. We watched the video several times, and kept it handy to watch in between steps. As long as you take extra time and care to prep, follow the directions, and don't take shortcuts, you'll be fine. And yes, you do need two people for this project.

  • Amazon Customer - Great Power Bank!!!

    I love this power bank! The color is great and is about the size of an iPhone 5s, maybe a little longer. Charged my battery today and the bank still remained on 100%. Love this so much and anyone looking for a power bank, this one is amazing.

  • Rick von Heydenreich - Corrupt Data Issues

    There is a problem with the accounts being corrupted. At the time of my problems, there was no solution and no cause. I was only told that it was a known issue. The solution was to reload the information from the bank. The problem with this is I had to do it daily, and I would lose all my memo information. My solution was to go back to Quicken Home & Business 2013 until the problem is fixed. I don't know when that will be, but will contact them after the first of the year.

  • T. Johnson - The actual product was as advertised but the download took ...

    The actual product was as advertised but the download took 4 hours and 2 tech support calls to get it loaded. I have high speed internet. I do not know if it was the new computer, internet connection or the key card. I purchased the same product for a different computer a year ago and the download/install went smoothly. I can say that Microsoft tech assist was helpful although they had a time limit to stay on the call which we exceeded twice. Everything seems to be working now after calls with Verizon to get Outlook fixed.

  • M.Conklin - Strange combination

    I was disappointed in this calendar. The bubbles are fun to pop and my daughter enjoys popping them each day, but you can't really tell which bubbles have been popped so I'm confused at the point of combining the bubble wrap and calendar. I think my daughter would have preferred plain bubble wrap. I didn't recieve the bonus holiday stickers mentioned in the listing and the calendar is very plain/boring, only a few small bits of color on the holidays. I really wanted to love this because everyone loves bubble wrap but it just isn't that great. I received the product at a discount in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

  • Ronald Hinton - Outstanding supplement, drink two a day and notice the result

    Move around after drinking and let it course through you. It does seem to limber me up. I have noticed better Chiropractor adjustments, most definately. I am impressed.