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  • alascar - It's great. And yes the auto tuner works as advertised

    It's great. And yes the auto tuner works as advertised. Hated the beige pup rings and poker chip. I swapped em with black...MUCH better. P:lays awesome. Every bit a USA Gibby

  • Ann H. - This product has no competition

    It also works great on fiberglass and on products others don't. Have been using this product (formerly called At Ease) for 30+ years. Call a Shaklee agent directly (no I am not one) or contact Shaklee directly at a discounted price. And the smell? To me it smells like bubble gum (LOL)

  • Alexandra Collins - "It is now a pleasure to poop" says my boss

    When one of your interview questions is "are you offended by a fart?" coming directly from the Dr. himself (true story), you know immediately you've just made a mistake by answering no, without thinking this through.

  • Keith - nice bike

    When the bicycle arrived, way sooner than anticipated, I was amazed at how easy it was to put together. I had it done in about 20 minutes. I ordered the 22" extra tall bike, and that is exactly what I got. I was surprised at the height, and I love it. It shifts smooth, both up, and down, and the front derailleur, works just as smooth as the back does. With both wheels having the disk brakes, the ease of stopping is amazing, and smooth. The seat seems a little hard, but, I haven't rode for a couple of years, so I am sure that I will get accustomed to it. It is a wonderful bike, and, the miles seem to just fall behind riding it. I highly recommend this bike to all who love to feel the wind in their face. Thank you.

  • CrystalsBookWorld - #Kazishere....And I am not letting him go!

    Yes! I am excited The Revolution is now live. Congratulations S.L. Scott. This book was definitely worth the wait.