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Building Safety Group | BSG Health and Safety consultants - We are a not for profit organisation with over fifty years' experience of providing specialist Health, Safety and Environmental consultancy for the construction industry.

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  • Dr. William B. Donovan - dissolves infected part of nail

    This product appears to work by dissolving the infected part of the toenail, allowing it to be replaced by new, healthy nail.

  • Juan Carlos - Great tasting but I get little bloated every time I ...

    Great tasting but I get little bloated every time I take it but most products cause have this. I'm used to it

  • T. R. - mirror feels as sturdy as the not broken one

    Used it to reattach a mirror to a car that had been broken off. Expanded and sealed really well, mirror feels as sturdy as the not broken one. Now just need to sand and paint around the area as it dries to a foamy yellow.

  • Matthew Petersen - 2014 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market

    The 2014 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market is a must for anyone looking to get into the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market .