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Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • MrMojoRisin - Highly recommended

    I am convinced the bacteria in our mouth is a major cause of diabetes (and other diseases) if allowed to enter the bloodstream. I became diabetic a few months after having 4 cavities filled and I could never figure out why. I'm not overweight, it does not run in my family, and always ate fairly healthy. After much research I have undoubtedly concluded it was due to the dental work I had. Studying oral microbiology I learned oral bacteria have evolved mechanisms to sense their environment and evade or modify the host. Bacteria has one goal, to survive. Bacteria needs sugar to survive, it's what feeds it (btw it's not sugar that causes tooth decay, it's the acidic excrement from bacteria. Sugar simply feeds the bacteria which causes the bacteria to multiply rapidly and eventually tooth decay). Once this bacteria enters the blood stream it then has an avenue to wreak havoc on the rest of your body. Since it's goal is to survive, and with it's ability to modify the host (your body) it makes complete sense that it would create an environment most favorable for it to survive by attacking the pancreas in order to raise sugar levels in the host. But don't take my word for it, a study done in 2000 verifies the link between oral bacteria and systematic disease such as diabetes.

  • Sandra Whiitfield - Not what I was hoping for

    I heard so much about the Amope Pedi Perfect Foot File that I rushed out to buy it but me personally I am not impressed. It just doesn't have enough power to really take away the hard skin like they advertise, I'll have to try something else.

  • Margaret McDowall-Thompson - Very Capable Product

    This airbrush was ordered for a friend of mine who was starting a small business. She is very pleased with the product and has already gotten clients. It also was shipped very quickly - so congrats and keep up the good work.

  • Melissa - Not for yeast/thrush rashes

    My toddler developed a diaper rash from thrush. I was using this product along with a Miconazole cream, and I couldn't figure out why her rash kept getting worse. I checked the ingredients and this paste contains cornstarch, which yeast love to eat. As soon as I switched to Burt's Bee's Baby Bee ointment (no cornstarch or any other yeast-food) the rash has quickly cleared. I'm sure this works fine for other rashes, but I don't recommend using this if you suspect thrush.

  • R Shanks - and are great for trimming my roses back

    I have had to learn how take care of my flower sent my husband passed ,So I need all the help I could get that when I order this Doraville garden shear set ,They are light weight ,and are great for trimming my roses back ,This shears have the spring action handles that make then easier to use. They come in a pack of two which that make it easy to have the right one there for the job. They are sharpen and really to use ,If I can use this anyone can ,They are made of carbon steel and the handles are covered with a rubber grip. And they are heavy duty just what I needed for my flowers I got this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review

  • Perizade - pettable hair

    The mask is really a great way to get that smooth shiny hair. I process my hair frequently with bleach and dyes so adding nutrients back is really important. This stuff smells alright and it really helped keep my hair soft and smooth. Really touchable. Seriously can't stop petting my hair