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  • S. Price - It hasn't worked yet

    I read the product reviews and was hoping that this would be the solution to my toenail fungus problems but turns out it isn't any better than the other less-expensive products available at the drug store. it turns your nails white which makes it look like it is working but beyond that it hasn't done a thing. I've been using it consistently for 3 1/2 months.

  • Andrew R. - Good Boost

    Good stuff and I like it. It gives a bit of a boost when lifting at the gym. It seems like it is working pretty good, only the amount in the bottle is very limited and won't last long enough to test it as I'd like. Still, I like it and think it is worth a shot. The price is the only downside I'd noticed.

  • S.L. Esdaile - DISAPPOINTED

    I actually LOVED my NutriBullet........until today. I purchased it on 5/10/2016. Since June, I've been using it 4 to 5 days/week to make protein smoothies. I went to make one this morning and it would not work. AT ALL! I tried changing each of the cups, and even tried using the grinding blade . Nothing. It simply does not come on. When I checked on Amazon about exchanging it, or at least having it repaired, they said it cannot be returned because I have had it for more than 30 days.

  • Tracy Davis - Great CD

    This is a great CD with a list of great songs from John's most recent CD's. John Hiatt never disappoints!

  • YourOldPal - Do as much or as little as you wish and it still works!

    I am a 65 year old female with severe osterperosis. This chair and the exerise video have been a God send. I was waaaay too sedentary, couldn't walk because my feet hurt, and had no stamina when riding my bike. After one week of using this chair and the video every day, I am feeling stronger, healthier and happier. The resistance bands are perfect, and I look forward to using the stronger ones soon.I also don't get the day after soreness most exercise routines and free weights can cause. I was amazed that I actually broke out in a sweat, after adding a few more reps and a little more marching.

  • Angeline B - Worst mascara EVER

    Worst mascara EVER! Irritates my eyes so they are tearing and red all day, it clumps and it flakes off.