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  • MotherhoodStartsWithFAITH - Miracle for my baby girl...

    My baby is hooked on this. She would not have a regular stool without taking this every day. I first started her when she was around 2 months because she would cry when she would have a BM & this helps her having a regular BM.

  • Camber - A Solid Resource

    I'm not planning to take the MCAT, but I have a strong personal interest in biomedicine, and I've found MCAT review books to be good resources to review the general science one should know as a foundation for specialized biomedical study. Among these books, this Kaplan book is one of my favorites, so I recommend it to both general readers and people preparing for the MCAT. The content is fairly comprehensive, the writing is clear, and the color graphics are effective. The tear-out study sheets at the end of the book are also very handy for a quick and condensed "high yield" review of key points.

  • H. Hansen - Very hard to copy DVD's to put on ipad

    not easy to use, very frustrated. I am not tech savvy and this is not delivering what I thought, wished I had asked someone first.

  • Justin Hodge - Masterfully written, engaging storytelling, and a thorough overview

    In Collision 2012, chief correspondent of the Washington Post Dan Balz examines the 2012 presidential election, its candidates, its would-be candidates, and its impact on future elections. Balz crafts an engaging narrative for the election by utilizing information from hundreds of interviews with the candidates, key campaign staff, and citizens. In addition to providing an extremely detailed look into the nuts and bolts of the campaigns, the book also depicts major world events that occurred throughout the campaign period and their impact on the candidates' strategies and the eventual outcome. Balz provides ample background information about all things election related, from Super PACs to Occupy Wall Street to rich biographical information about the candidates. Collision 2012 makes very few assumptions about the reader's prior knowledge, making the book easily understandable even for readers that may not be well-versed in politics or keep up with current events.